Thai Street Fashion Influence on Amierca

What travelers demand to know about drug laws, the legal drinking age, visa restrictions, littering, the Thai king and photography.

Photo © iStock/tobiasjo

Your trip to Thailand could easily plow into a nightmare if you fall on the wrong side of the police. Nosotros take a await at how you tin can avoid copping a fine or time in jail.

Here'southward a quick guide to Thai laws you might cross knowingly, or unknowingly.

  • Drug laws in Thailand
  • Respect the Thai King
  • Visa rules in Thailand
  • Legal drinking age in Thailand
  • Photography and drone laws
  • Gambling in Thailand
  • Smoking ban in Thailand
  • Littering in Thailand
  • Blackmail in Thailand
  • Passports in Thailand
  • The Thai underwear constabulary
  • Why y'all must wear a shirt while driving
  • A true travel insurance merits story

Drug laws in Thailand

Information technology doesn't get more obvious than the following argument taken from the Community Section of the Kingdom of Thailand Website:

"Violators of laws related to illicit drugs, e.g., having and property for apply, or being a producer, seller, or transporter are bailiwick to the death sentence."

That'due south right, the death penalty. Don't be stupid in Thailand. Never buy, use or transport drugs in any style during your stay.

Disrespecting the Thai royal family

Lese Majeste is a law which was introduced in Thailand in 1908 and states that information technology'south a serious crime to defame, insult, threaten or defile any image of the Thai royal family.

This also includes defacing Thai money, and then don't step on the local currency, Thai baht (THB). Information technology's confronting the police force and could result in imprisonment.

Even talking well-nigh the Thai king and his family is more often than not frowned upon, especially in public areas. You tin be arrested and sent to jail.

Visa rules in Thailand

If y'all overstay your visa, you volition be detained at the immigration detention center.

If however, you make it to the airport, y'all but pay your overstay fine, and off you go. We'd rather you exist condom than sorry, so brand certain your visa is in order and don't overstay your welcome.

The legal drinking historic period and alcohol laws in Thailand

The drinking historic period in Thailand is 20, and it's in the involvement of bar owners to enforce this, every bit establishments practice occasionally get raided by police force looking for underage drinkers and patrons nether the influence of illegal substances.

This doesn't mean you lot tin't buy alcohol if you are underage – many people practise – just we propose against information technology. Again, information technology can result in jail time.

Drinking booze is illegal in the following locations in Thailand:

  • Temples or places of worship
  • Pharmacies
  • Public offices
  • Pedagogy institutions
  • Petrol stations
  • Public parks

Caveats apply, for example, if a ceremony at a temple requires imbibing, in which case information technology is legally permitted.

The penalty for illegally drinking alcohol at 1 of the above locations is half-dozen months' imprisonment, and/or no more than a fine of 10,000 Baht.

In July 2017, Thai police announced the monitoring social media closely to further enforce the Alcoholic Potable Control Act (2008). This constabulary prohibits "the display of logos and brands of alcoholic products in order to persuade people into drinking alcohol whether direct or indirectly." Anyone plant breaking the law tin exist charged, and then think twice before taking that selfie with the Singha past the pool or information technology may cost you a Us$1,500 fine.

Photography and drone laws in Thailand


Street photography is more often than not allowed in Thailand, yet there some places where you cannot take photos.

Some temples won't allow photography, while others are more relaxed but will withal prohibit photographing images or statues of Buddha. Check earlier taking photos inside temples (if permitted) and avert taking photos of people praying or worshipping.

Photography is forbidden inside confined and other venues in red light districts including Patpong and Cowboy.

If you lot want to take a photo with or of locals, including monks, always ask get-go. If it'southward permitted, don't forget to smile in your photo and thank the person with a wai (slight bow) afterward, especially if you are younger than the person yous had the photo taken with.

Avert giving money to children who enquire for it if they stop up in your photos, as it promotes a begging culture.

Taking photographs of the Thai regal family is also a no-no, equally are photos of military posts and border points.


Desire to put your drone in the air for a bird's eye view of it all? Think once more. There are many regulations around operating drones in Thailand whether for recreational or commercial use.

Because drones have a camera, you volition demand permission from the relevant authorities.

You lot will demand drone insurance and as well accept to apply for a permit from the Ceremonious Aviation Authority Thailand (CAAT) well in advance of your trip, as the application can have anywhere from 75 to 104 days.

Gambling in Thailand

Apart from the government-supported National Lottery and betting on horses at the racetracks, gambling is largely illegal in Thailand. There no casinos in Thailand, although gambling dens tin can be found throughout the country, and online betting does occur. However, both are illegal, and being found participating can lead to a fine or jail time.

Littering fines in Thailand

In February 2018, Thailand authorities banned littering at 24 of its most pop beaches due to increasing environmental concerns. Litterers will exist prosecuted and either fined 100,000 THB (US$3,190) or ace a year in jail.

You can be fined upwardly to two,000 THB if you're caught littering on the sidewalk. If you are fined a sum more than than this amount, the individual may not be authorized to enforce the littering law. Withal, we urge y'all non to get overly stroppy in the case of an "overfine". Some travelers take reported that when they were pinged for a littering offense they offered what little money they had on them which was generally accepted.

Members of the Bangkok Metropolitan Dominance (BMA) are qualified to enforce this fine - you can inquire to encounter their license. This law also applies to chewing glue, so don't spit it on the footpath; not but is really abrasive to scrape off your flip-flop, only Thai law love absorbing people for this ane.

Smoking ban in Thailand

Smoking is now banned at 24 beaches in popular tourist spots including Phuket, Pattaya, Koh Samui, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Chon Buri and Songkhla provinces. This has been initiated past the Thai government to reduce the bear upon on the marine surround and damage to drain systems. After a three-month trial period, this ban may be rolled out on passenger and tourist boats in Thailand.

Breaking this law attracts a fine of 100,000 THB fine, a year in prison or both.

Smoking is prohibited in outdoor exercise spaces, facilities for sports training/playing and competitions, public parks, zoos, amusement parks, markets and children's playgrounds. Travelers in tour groups are expected to adhere to this regulation.

Electronic cigarettes/vaping have been banned in Thailand since 2014. Plenty of travelers have been caught out and ignoring this will result in a fine and/or arrest and jail fourth dimension.

Blackmail in Thailand: Where Thai police is subject to "influence"

Blackmail certainly occurs in Thailand. Become some tips on Bribery in Thailand here.

Passports and Thai police

Thai law requires that travelers carry ID at all times, but don't ever leave your passport as security when renting a motorcycle or jet ski. Instead, use a photocopy, other photograph ID or a substantial cash deposit.

Here's why we actually recommend you don't rent a jet-ski in Patong ever!

The Thai underwear law

Under Thai law, it'south illegal to go out in public if you are not wearing underwear. Although we haven't had any stories of travelers existence arrested for this offense, heed to what your mother said and always leave the house wearing a fresh pair of undies.

Why you must vesture a shirt while driving

Nether Thai constabulary, information technology's as well illegal to bulldoze a automobile if you are not wearing a shirt.

A true travel insurance claim story

Here's a tip: Never pat a monkey, even if information technology'south on a leash: they can be vicious. I was out wandering with a friend on Haad Rin Embankment, Koh Phangan Island, when we ran into a local walking his pet monkey. My friend bent over and patted the monkey and the local kindly allow her agree it. Nestled in her arms, it seemed so sweet. Then I reached out to pat information technology and it bit me on the thumb, breaking the pare.

How Globe Nomads helped? Medical expenses for treatment, including rabies vaccinations and antibiotics.

Embrace your monkey business concern

Traveling to any other countries?

By Phil Sylvester,

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